My toaster is back in the news with a post on regarding “Things that Tweet”. I love things that can speak and soon the idea of a “web of things” will not be so odd. The website “Global Toaster” reported that my internet toaster is a celebrity. Their site is chock full of toasters,… Continue reading Best Invention Since Sliced Bread
Category: Projects
Steam Punpkin My Steampunk Pumpkin
Steam Punk Pumpkin Moved
Steam Pumpkin – My Steampunk Pumpkin
Halloween is one of my favorite times a year being ShadowLord and all. I was BatMan three times in my life and only once as a kid. Pumpkin carving is something I also get into. My first pumpkin at age 9 was an old farmer smoking a pipe. It even had a twinkling red LED… Continue reading Steam Pumpkin – My Steampunk Pumpkin
She Thinks My Toaster is Hot
One day you put your toaster on a social networking site. And then on another day you find out that your toaster has more friends than you. This little story sounds made up. Well, it’s not. My toaster has had a Twitter page since December 2008, tweeting the status of my toast making habits for… Continue reading She Thinks My Toaster is Hot
Internet-enabled Message Center
What are you up to now? I took the leap and bought an Arduino from LiquidWare. An arduino is an open-source microcontroller that has a processor, some digital I/O pins, and analog inputs. You can create little standalone programs that monitor inputs, control LEDs, and pretty much anything that you dream up. My favorite projects… Continue reading Internet-enabled Message Center